Is anime ok for 12 year olds?

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Anime has become increasingly popular among children and teenagers in recent years, and many parents may wonder whether or not it is appropriate for their 12-year-old children to watch. While anime can be enjoyed by people of all ages, it is important to be aware of the potential content that may be inappropriate for children.

Not All Anime is Sexualized

One common concern among parents is that anime may contain sexual content that is not appropriate for children. However, it is important to note that not all anime is sexualized. In fact, there are many anime series that are specifically geared towards children and have no sexual content at all. Some examples of anime that are suitable for children include Pokémon, Doraemon, and Yo-kai Watch. These anime series have simple storylines, colorful animation, and relatable characters that kids can enjoy. (อะนิเมะ) is a fantastic website for anime lovers, it allows you to read reviews of your favorite anime series before watching, making it easy to find new shows that you’ll love. It also provides the latest updates and recommendations for anime fans to discover new series. It’s a must-visit for any anime enthusiast.


Another concern that parents may have about anime is the level of violence it may contain. While some anime series do contain violence, it is not always graphic or gratuitous. Many anime series have a fantasy element to them, which means that the violence is not always realistic. For example, in the anime series “Naruto,” the characters use special powers to fight each other, and the violence is not graphic.

However, it is important to note that some anime series do contain graphic violence and may not be suitable for children. For example, the anime series “Attack on Titan” features graphic violence, and the story is about a war between humans and giant monsters. Parents should be aware of this and decide if this type of content is appropriate for their child.

Watch Your Kids

Even though not all anime is sexualized and violent, it is still important to watch your kids while they are watching anime. As a parent, you should be aware of what your child is watching, and you should be ready to discuss any content that may be inappropriate for them. This can help to ensure that your child is only watching anime that is appropriate for their age.

Limit Watch Time

While anime can be a great way for kids to learn new things and to enjoy a fun story, it is also important to limit the amount of time that they spend watching it. This can help to ensure that your child is not spending too much time in front of a screen and that they are getting enough exercise and social interaction. You should also make sure that your child is not watching anime late at night, as this can interfere with their sleep.


Anime can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but it is important to be aware of the potential content that may be inappropriate for children. Parents should be aware of the level of violence and sexual content in the anime their child is watching. It is important to watch your kids and limit the time they spend watching anime, so that it does not affect their overall development. In general, as long as parents are aware of the potential content and monitor their child’s viewing habits, anime can be a great way for kids to learn new things and to enjoy a fun story.