Why Does Tea Stain Cups?

Why Does Tea Stain Cups?
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Did you know that you can now find tea in nearly 8 out of every 10 US homes? Or that every day, 159 million Americans drink this fragrant beverage?

After all, drinking tea is one of the best, not to mention delicious ways to start your morning. Other than that, research has proven that tea offers exceptional health benefits.

But the problem is, tea does stain cups and that’s why we’re here to solve this issue. Keep reading!

Short Answer

The reason is that the tea contains tannic acid (or simply tannin) that gives the color of the tea. Tannins are used as an agent for many dyes such as tanning and inks, thus causing stains on cups. People wonder what it does inside of us. Just for your knowledge, coffee does not contain tannins.

How Do You Remove Tea Stains On A Cup?

Baking soda on the stain and adding a little water to make a paste. Rub stain with a soft, damp sponge. Baking soda’s gentle abrasive properties help remove tea stains from surface. When you’re done scrubbing, rinse the cup to remove any remaining baking soda.

Are Tea Stains Harmful?

Bad news, tea drinkers: A favorite hot drink stains your teeth. And according to one expert, the drink can discolor your pearly white stains even more than coffee, as coffee contains less to no tannin properties.

Tannins are organic compounds that give the drink its color and bitter taste. However, tannic acid – a special form of tannins found in some teas – is what builds up plaque on the teeth, causing them to turn yellow.

They are not really harmful for your teeth or your cups but drinking in moderation is advisable.

Should I Wash My Tea Cup?

Obviously, as long as the only germs living in your cup are your own, it shouldn’t be a problem if you let them sit still for a few hours until you refuel the caffeine. Now, if you are adding things like ice cream or sugar to your hot beverage and you only use the cup every few days, you need to rinse the cup off – mold is very serious.

Is It Safe To Clean A Cup Of Tea With Bleach?

Absolutely, it’s fine if the concentration is of moderate level.

You can use a sponge to scrub the cup until clean. If the stain does not come off, you can increase the concentration of the bleach but make sure you wash the cup thoroughly.

How To Prevent Tea Stains In Cup

1) Drink the whole tea or pour it into the sink. I cannot tell you how many times I thought I had finished my tea just to find that there was still a little left in my cup.

2) Do not make tea too dark add milk or if you prefer without it, make sure it’s light.

3) Rinse your cup right after finished.

Tea Stain Resistant Mugs

How To Bleach Tea Stains On Cup With Vinegar

First, fill each cup about halfway (boil or just hot from the tap, either will work) and fill halfway with white vinegar. Let them sit for about 10 minutes. Next, pour out the vinegar and give each cup of water with the detergent of your choice. Rinse the cup, dry it and you’re done!

How To Clean Stainless Steel Tea Stains?

The first is the good baking soda and old vinegar. Open the lid and pour in a teaspoon or two of baking soda. Then add a large amount of vinegar. A few nice couple drops will get you started. The idea is to make the mixture bubble and clean the inside of the cup with baking soda quickly acting on the metal. You can use any vinegar and any baking soda to do this, and the cheapest is as good as the best. Once done, rinse the cup and wash with soap and water. A word of warning: when cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, remember that this combination can create pressure in a sealed cup, so always keep the lid open for safety.