Does Chapstick Expire? [13 Ingredients To Beware]

Featured Product ChapStick Classic Cherry Lip Balm That’s a very common question does chapstick expire? To dig deeper we first need to analyze that every product have some ingredients because of which a product expire. And the same goes with chapsticks as well. If those ingredients are present in the chapstick it’ll for sure expire.… Continue reading Does Chapstick Expire? [13 Ingredients To Beware]

Why Do My Lips Burn When I Put On Chapstick? [7 Reasons]

Featured Product ChapStick Lip Moisturizer (Original, Cool Mint & Black Cherry Flavors You might have questioned yourself why do my lips burn when I put on chapstick? At one point of your life. This is not a usual case but happens with a few of us. In this post, we’ll find out what exactly is… Continue reading Why Do My Lips Burn When I Put On Chapstick? [7 Reasons]