Bedroom Essential Oil Blend [4 Awesome]

Essential oils are a unique and powerful way to improve your bedroom. Whether you’re using them for relaxation, romance or sleep, essential oil diffusers offer a wonderful variety of benefits. With the right scents, oils can alleviate stress, relieve headaches and insomnia while also creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages romance. In this post, we’ll… Continue reading Bedroom Essential Oil Blend [4 Awesome]

Can I Mix Essential Oils With Fragrance Oils? [3 Tips]

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to help maintain a sense of balance and well-being. With the essential oil industry gaining popularity, it is important to understand how they can be used safely and effectively to promote health. There are five different types of essential oils: citrus, woody, floral, herbaceous and spice.… Continue reading Can I Mix Essential Oils With Fragrance Oils? [3 Tips]

What Is A Good Emulsifier For Essential Oils? [4 Options]

There are many different types of emulsifiers, all with their own benefits. While some do the job better than others, it’s important to know that not every emulsifier is safe for use with essential oils. The best thing you can do to protect your health and your budget is to arm yourself with knowledge about… Continue reading What Is A Good Emulsifier For Essential Oils? [4 Options]

Can Breathing In Essential Oils Be Harmful? [3 Things]

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in medicine and for other natural remedies. Nowadays, there are essential oils that can be inhaled, applied topically or taken internally to help with a variety of different health conditions. There are many benefits to using essential oils including: relieving stress and anxiety, improving moods and… Continue reading Can Breathing In Essential Oils Be Harmful? [3 Things]

Can You Freeze Essential Oils? [3 Considerations]

Freezing and refrigerating foods can significantly improve their longevity; however, some items should never be frozen, while others should only be made to get consumed rapidly. Some items that might benefit from freezing include meat and fish, which can last up to six months in the freezer. If you’re considering stocking up on frozen food… Continue reading Can You Freeze Essential Oils? [3 Considerations]

Are Essential Oils And Fragrance Oils The Same? [Know This…]

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to help promote health and wellness. In the modern world, they have been rediscovered as a way to improve your health and provide you with a sense of peace and relaxation. While some essential oils are more effective than others, all of them give you what… Continue reading Are Essential Oils And Fragrance Oils The Same? [Know This…]