Can Expired Olive Oil Be Used? [3 Considerations]

There are many benefits of using olive oil in our daily cooking. Olive oil has long been known to be an effective source of nutrients that can boost immunity, increase longevity and improve your overall quality of life. It is the perfect choice for cooking because it contains mostly monounsaturated fat (namely oleic acid) which… Continue reading Can Expired Olive Oil Be Used? [3 Considerations]

Is Silicone Toxic To Humans? [2 Considerations]

Silicone based products are widely used in the kitchen. They are easy to use and can help make cooking easier. But there are many different silicone based products on the market, which ones should you buy? What makes them different? But the most important question that you need to ask before any of this is…… Continue reading Is Silicone Toxic To Humans? [2 Considerations]

Are Digital Or Mechanical Scales Better? [2 Factors]

The scales are an essential tool for any serious fitness enthusiast. Scales not only work to track the weight of your body, but they can also help you to measure other important things that contribute to your overall health and wellness like food items and so on. However, scales might give you the wrong output… Continue reading Are Digital Or Mechanical Scales Better? [2 Factors]

Should I Mop With Hot Or Cold Water? [Flooring & Detergent 101]

Never allow the floor of your home to get dirty. Dirt and grime can ruin not only your flooring but also your health. For this reason it is important to maintain a regular mopping schedule. Not doing so, can lead to bacteria buildup, which can cause serious illnesses if you are exposed on a daily… Continue reading Should I Mop With Hot Or Cold Water? [Flooring & Detergent 101]

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Are Plastic Dryer Balls Bad For Your Dryer? [3 Considerations]

Dryer balls are a great alternative to using fabric softener in the laundry. This is because dryer sheets and fabric softeners leave behind residue on clothing, which can actually attract lint and dust. Dryer balls will reduce drying time in addition to saving you money in the long run and preventing your precious clothes from… Continue reading Are Plastic Dryer Balls Bad For Your Dryer? [3 Considerations]

Are Wool Dryer Balls Bad For Your Dryer? [3 Factors]

Wool dryer balls are an innovative way to dry clothes. They are made of natural materials, so they are safe for both you and the environment. Wool is a natural fabric that is able to absorb moisture which gets trapped in the fibers. This allows them to help you dry your clothes faster than with… Continue reading Are Wool Dryer Balls Bad For Your Dryer? [3 Factors]